We will gather in sacred space with a very special, pure, 100% ceremonial cacao from Guatemala that has been prepared with intention.
Roxana will open the circle with a ritual anointing balm, followed by Elyse sharing the power of this very gentle heart centered plant medicine. As you drink cacao you will be relaxed into a sound bath as Robin guides you on a shamanic journey. Gina will close our circle with a Gong Bath.
This is an opportunity to connect deeply to your intuition and heart center with the assistance of the gentle and loving cacao plant.
Pure Ceremonial Cacao is a super food and a gentle heart-opener medicine that can enhance focus, boost mental clarity and connection to self. The ancient Olmec, Mayan and Aztec people drank this ancient chocolate during rituals and used it as medicine.
What to expect
Coming together in circle
Intention setting
Drinking ceremonial cacao and ritual anointing
Guided meditation/journey
Sound healing
What to bring
Yoga mat, blanket, Eye pillow (or something to cover your eyes)
Journal & pen
Water bottle (Come hydrated)
(OPTIONAL) Something sacred for the altar (Crystals, stones, picture of a loved one, etc)
Dress comfortable (socks to keep your feet warm)
Limited to 20 people maximum
• Please arrive unscented •
Date: March 19, 2024 (Spring Equinox)
Time: 6pm - 8pm, please arrive at 5:45pm
Cost: $75 | If you prefer to pay cash at the door please RSVP to save your spot
Details: Attendance is limited, bring a yoga mat or something to lie on
Location: School of Lost Arts/Illuminated Perfume located at Lena Street Lofts, 1600 Lena Street, unit A6, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
Want more? Read Like Scent for Chocolate on Wandering the Wonderland
Elyse Tesman
Elyse is a certified Ceremonial-Grade Cacao Facilitator and a Reiki Master. She has studied in Guatemala and Costa Rica and is trained in Shamanism, Intuition Medicine, and Sound Healing. She guides you to healing through sound, meditation, and the medicine of cacao.
Robin Coale
Robin is a licensed psychotherapist, shamanic healer, medium, and a teacher of shamanism and energy. Robin has a successful private practice in Santa Fe, New Mexico where she works with clients individually and does remote healing work with clients throughout the U.S., Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean.
Gina Devani
Facilitator of deep healing through sacred medicine journey work Psychedelic microdosing counselor Psychedelic preparation and integration guide.
Roxana Villa
Deep roots in professional aromatherapy training combine with Roxana's s an award winning artistic gifts of storytelling, conceptual thinking and a strong visual aesthetic in her work in plant fragrance. The two disciples weave seamlessly into an authentic expression of olfactory art.